Wednesday, September 14, 2011


She did it again! We met up with Jocelyn at Bothel Landing to take some much needed pics and we love them. Lily was a ham and as you can see tried to help us get a smile out of her brother.


Lily started Pre-K and she loves it. She would go everyday if it was offered. This year she gets to eat lunch at school and is very excited about what might be in her lunch bag. She is a lot more talkative in class this year and tells me more of how her day was when I pic her up.
Showing off her apple person.

This girl talks NONSTOP! There was once upon a time that Shane and I were a little worried when she wasn't talking that much and now there are some days we wish she would just slow down with the questions. She is very curious and wants to learn about everything. She is starting to learn to add and she can even spell a few words.
She also has no fear when it comes to animals. And by animals I mean slimy things. Snakes, frogs, snails and even slugs are fun to play with according to Lily. 

5 Months!

My babe is 5 months! Time is flyin!
His two favorite things to look at are his sister and Ringo. He likes to follow Ringo around in his walker and watch him eat.
He LOVES his walker! It is also a lifesaver for us since he is too big for his swing and doesn't so much like just lying on his back anymore.
When we do put him on his back he immediately rolls over. He has started to push himself with his legs and gets a few feet from where he started before he gets tired of it.
Naps are still an issue. We have a little schedule but the naps never last longer than 40 minutes and that is on a good day.
The boy loves to be outside so lets hope for a mild winter!
We started on some food last week and so far he likes it.
He is growing so fast and needs to slow down this minute!