We had a great Christmas just the three of us. Nothing too exciting happened. No reindeer stuck in a tree branch, no Santa passed out on the couch from exhaustion.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
3 Going on 4
I am feeling a lot of kicks these days. Last night Shane was able to feel it for the first time. I have to say it is one of the coolest feelings in the world and what I miss most when the baby is born. I tried to get Lily to feel some kicks this morning but she didn't have enough patience and was laughing at my belly instead. Which by the way is HUGE already and I still have 4 months to go. There are also a couple things a bit north of the belly that are a little out of control. I didn't think they could get any bigger!
I haven't been very good at taking pictures lately. We have had snow, turkey day, Ringo had to wear a cone on his head for a while, and the cutest little 10 month old came to visit and the three pictures in this post are all I have worth showing. Pathetic!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Island Vacation 2010
Things heard from Lily on vacation (some on a daily basis):
"To the Bar!"
"To the beach!"
"I've got to go show the boys I'm pretty!"
In a very deep voice -"I want to hold that baby"
Grandma taught her this on -"Off like a dirty Shirt!"
One night she fell out of bed and mom had to call me home from the bar (yes I was at the bar don't judge, that's what we do on the island) -"I've lost Lily's mommy!"
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Park!
We met the Hinton girls at the park last week and Gina took a few shots of Lily
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
To sum up our last six months.....life has been interesting, challenging, fun, sad - I don't know, you name an emotion and we have felt it. I am a mom of a three year old. If you would have asked me 4 days ago about Lily I would have ran screaming in the opposite direction. 3 days ago you would have heard nothing but praise about her. She is a roller coaster that keeps us guessing every minute. Everyone tries to "reassure" us that year 3 is much more challenging than year 2. I am not sure if I am suppose to be relieved that my kid is "normal" or am suppose to be bracing myself for the next 6 months. She is pretty fun though, we now have deep conversations about very important topics : The whereabouts of Mr and Mrs Potato heads bodies, Who is our favorite fairy and whether or not a wild thing could really eat you up. When she was eating her push up yesterday and i pushed up more Popsicle for her she said, "Thank you Popsicle lady."She sings every song that plays on my ipod (Carrie, she can sing a mean chorus to "build me up buttercup") her favorite song is "Elvira" by the Oak Ridge Boys (yes I bought this song on itunes - don't judge me). This song reminds me of visiting the island when I was a kid, going to the bar with my parents, Karl and Katy and cousins, having as many cans of 7up as we could drink, trying to play pool, and playing whatever we wanted on the juke box = happiness. Summer makes me miss the Island the most. I can't wait to be up there again.
2010 First Half :)
I have been a horrible blogger. So here is the last 6 or so months in a nutshell minus some pics from Vegas. And these are also from most recent to oldest.
Monday, January 4, 2010
To Clarify
When people ask me about Lily I am often quick to say she is crazy. Later I am mad at myself for not saying something more positive or not telling a funny story about her. In my defense, she is 2 and for the past 6-8 months she has proved the old label of "terrible twos" to be an absolute truth. She is also a very high energy little girl. She doesn't walk, she runs and she doesn't talk,she yells. People are always asking me if she ever slows down. The answer is - no. But, I see a light. There is one spunky little girl emerging from by little baby. She is fearless, she is funny, she loves to be tickled, she has no rhythm at all when she dances, she can make a mess like no other and she can give THE best hugs. Her favorite person in the whole world is her daddy and let me tell you, he is one helluva dad! He is her ultimate playmate. He can make her squeal with glee and laugh so hard she starts to hiccup. So my goal this year is to embrace her energy and encourage her imagination and ignore the people in the grocery store that feel the need to stare and shake their head at a two year old having a tantrum in the middle of the frozen food section. Don't judge me! And next time Lily is running around the flower stand at full speed yelling "Merry Christmas Everyone" and I see someone actually laugh at her I might go give that person a hug because it is funny and we all need to laugh more anyway. I can't wait to hear more giggles out of Lily, Shane and myself this year. Bring it on 2010!
2009 In Review
In 2009....
We had a very Merry Christmas!
Shane made us a very yummy Christmas Eve dinner for the two of us!

Oh and we have had potty training success! My little baby is not a baby anymore.
Happy New Year. What will 2010 bring us?
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