Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Have KIDS!

I still can't get over that I have KIDS! Plural! With an S!

Life is pretty interesting though. Here are some of the goings on around here...

The other day I was changing Brock and Lily told me she was so happy he was normal. Whatever that means.

A few days after we got home from the hospital, my mom was making coffee, Shane was in the other room, and I was in the living room. I ALMOST (I caught myself) asked her who had the baby, only to realize I was feeding him. Interrupted sleep + percocet = stupid questions.

There are plenty of other things that have happened and been said but these stick out right now.

Lily's preschool had a fun art project one day and made us some lovely stepping stones.
Lily's Bfriend Otto playing on the playground.
Lily informed me the other day that she had a boyfriend and I asked her who...
Otto of course!

Hailey turned 3 and had a fabulous sweet shop party. This was all the loot Lily found from the pinata.

Birthday Girl!

Lily looks like a librarian to me here.

Lily's preschool had a field trip to Edmonds beach to learn about different kinds of sea life.

Lily showing teacher Gina a clam shell she found

Very brave holding a starfish

Showing Ranger Pam the starfish

my little guy getting so big!

Tummy time!

Lily helping with tummy time

Friday, May 13, 2011

1 Month Old!!!

I can't believe a month has gone by so quick. Before Brock came I was so scared of month 1, but I have to say it was complete opposite from the 1st time. I don't know if it is because I know what I am doing(yeah right) or just more relaxed or if he is just an awesome baby! Maybe a little bit of all three! He is a good eater and sleeper and doesn't cry too much. He just goes with the flow! Lily is in love with him and with being a big sister. We have read her big sister books a million times, she wants to show him off to anyone who will look and she is very concerned with him getting bigger. She would like him to stay a baby forever.

Gina got us these "month" stickers. I can't wait to compare all the pics when he turns 1.

Every morning Lily asked me if she can hold him. So we have a lot of pics in pjs.

Our little sleeper likes to be swaddled. He likes it so much he gives me a good 4 to 5 hour stretch of sleep each night!

Lily calls this "Fairy Camp"

This is the only pic so far of me and Brock. It feels like my life is spent on the couch feeding the little piglet!

He sometimes finds his thumb. Not sure how we feel about it.

So Cool!

Love this one!

He is pretty alert a lot of the time and not really too fussy

another pj pic


Lily loves baths long as Brock is in with her!

Love my family!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Brock Thomas Gaylor

Brock Thomas Gaylor

8 Lbs 9 oz

20 inches

12:45 am

April 13, 2011

He decided that he wasn't going to wait 12 more hours for his scheduled c-section, but he did at least wait long enough to share his birthday with his Uncle Karl. Tuesday night I was putting Lily to sleep at about 10:30. I sat up in the bed and felt what I thought was a huge punch from the little man, then I felt a pop and then I felt the need to go to the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom my water broke. I told Shane what happened and just saw him bolt to the bedroom only to come back fully dressed a few minutes later as I was sitting on the toilet (sorry for the graphic detail, but stuff just kept gushing out!). He looked at me like "what are you waiting for, lets go to the hospital." I told him to calm down, I still needed to pack some stuff, get Lily to sleep and call the hospital to tell them we were coming. By the time we got to the hospital my contractions were minutes apart. They asked me if I was going to try to deliver naturally, but after examining me and only being 3 cm I said no way. Lets get this out as long as it is after midnight!
At this time I was asking Shane if he was still a boy.

My guys!

1st bath. He still loves his baths (unlike his big sister)

I am jealous of how tight the nurses can get the swaddle. We kept calling in the nurses to swaddle him. I do a pretty good one now, but still not as good as them!

Big sis meeting her little brother!

snoozing with daddy!

Going home!