Or Whoopsies, as my mom likes to call them.

They aren't the straightest but I couldn't find a decent part on her head. I am not the expert when it comes to hair. Lets just hope that she never expects me to french braid her hair because it ain't happening. I am also dreading the makeup requests.

She looks like such a big girl!
"Ready for school Mom!"
Even though there is a giant oatmeal/peach stain on her shirt. I wasn't about to pull her shirt over her head and mess up the lovely job I did on her hair.
Back view (Gina likes those)
oh my goodness, just when you think she can't get any cuter there you go putting her in pig tails! And I do like the back & side views, she is quite the hair model.
I can't believe how tall and grown up she looks. Love the double pig tails!!!!
Karen you do hair like I do, Jessica is always complaining that her pony tails are not straight.
I love your blog and the pictures, and the kids love seeing Little E.
so funny. can't believe how much hair she has! i love piggies- they are perfect
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