Monday, January 4, 2010

To Clarify

When people ask me about Lily I am often quick to say she is crazy. Later I am mad at myself for not saying something more positive or not telling a funny story about her. In my defense, she is 2 and for the past 6-8 months she has proved the old label of "terrible twos" to be an absolute truth. She is also a very high energy little girl. She doesn't walk, she runs and she doesn't talk,she yells. People are always asking me if she ever slows down. The answer is - no. But, I see a light. There is one spunky little girl emerging from by little baby. She is fearless, she is funny, she loves to be tickled, she has no rhythm at all when she dances, she can make a mess like no other and she can give THE best hugs. Her favorite person in the whole world is her daddy and let me tell you, he is one helluva dad! He is her ultimate playmate. He can make her squeal with glee and laugh so hard she starts to hiccup. So my goal this year is to embrace her energy and encourage her imagination and ignore the people in the grocery store that feel the need to stare and shake their head at a two year old having a tantrum in the middle of the frozen food section. Don't judge me! And next time Lily is running around the flower stand at full speed yelling "Merry Christmas Everyone" and I see someone actually laugh at her I might go give that person a hug because it is funny and we all need to laugh more anyway. I can't wait to hear more giggles out of Lily, Shane and myself this year. Bring it on 2010!


Carrie Worthington said...

So strange, but I can see YOU running full speed around the plant stand in the grocery store yelling, "Merry Christmas Everyone!" Made me smile and think of us as youngsters :) Miss you.

Marnae and Matt said...

You should be a writer.

Joe and Gina said...

Very sweet Karen... I believe one gets only what they can handle, you are an amazing Mom and Lily is the luckiest girl in the world!