Sunday, February 13, 2011


How has 4 years passed already???? I can't believe she is 4.

We spent the morning decorating her cake. She was very proud of the little cake she got to decorate.
The day before her birthday we went to the M&M factory on the strip and picked out our rainbow colors for decorations. I saw this in Martha Stewart and thought I could definitely pull it off. Lily liked it and the day after her birthday asked if we could make a 5 cake.

My big 4 year old!!!

We spent her birthday dinner at Chucky Cheese's with friends and cousins. She had a blast playing all the games and collecting tickets.

She really liked this Chucky. The real one that came out to sing her happy birthday, not so much!

Playing Ski Ball with Daddy.

Riding in the Kentucky Derby!

Not liking all the noise that came with Chucky singing to her. Besides this she was pretty happy. We collected over 1000 tickets to trade in for a fairy doll.
Some things Lily is doing now that she is 4 (both good and bad!):
1. Loves to practice her letters and asks how everything is spelled. She likes to play on the computer and spell all the words she knows - Mom, Dad, Lily, Stop and many others. She knows all the sounds the letters make too.
2. She can count to 40 without help
3. For some reason out of the blue she hates brushing her teeth. This results in a constant struggle to brush them twice a day.
4. She is obsessed with Strawberry Shortcake dolls
5. She likes to help in the kitchen especially when the mixer comes out. She likes to pour in all the ingredients.
6. She gives great hugs and kisses and tells us she loves us all the time.
7. She is excited for her little brother to come
8. For some reason she likes to stick things up her nose.
9. She has developed some really weird fears - birds and little dogs are a couple of them.
10. She always tells me she doesn't want to go to preschool but once she is there she has a good time.
I could go on for ever and ever about her. She is 4! we love her and wouldn't trade her in for anything!

1 comment:

Joe and Gina said...

Happy Birthday Lily!! Hope it was your best yet... you're getting so Big!!