Thursday, May 24, 2012

Am I Mom Enough?

Am I mom enough? You bet your ass I am. No thanks to TIME magazine. I know this is old news but it is still bugging me. I might not still be breastfeeding Lily or wearing Brock in a sling 18 hours a day or have a family bed, but I do love my kids. I love them more than anything in this world. So when I see a stupid magazine trying to sell issues with a insulting title question of "Am I Mom Enough," I take offense. I am talking only about TIME's cover, not the article itself. I have nothing against "Attachment Parenting" if that is your choice, good for you. But don't disrespect anyone else's parenting style. As a mom we have to deal with enough quilt and worry about if we are doing right by our kids. I don't need to see judgement in the supermarket isle, or on or on the today show. Good for you TIME for selling a few more issues and getting a buzz going. Shame on you for adding more stress to mom's across America.
With that being said, this week has been crazy! Lily's last week of preschool ends tonight with her moving on ceremony. I have been totally consumed with making cookies and cake pops this week that my house is a complete DISASTER! Oh and Shane's parents come on Saturday. So no rest for the weary. Friday, I might have to strap the kids to their beds Mommy Dearest style so I can get the house clean.
 Lily's last day of preschool's teddy bear picnic

 Brock enjoying the park.

 My all consuming cookie project

So I might not have been standing at the counter with boob exposed feeding my kids, but I still stayed up way past my bedtime every night decorating 50 cookies (two of which Brock managed to steal off the table). That is what I call attachment parenting!