Monday, July 19, 2010

The Park!

We met the Hinton girls at the park last week and Gina took a few shots of Lily
Lily loves the slides

We went down to see the geese and duck and pigeons and at one point all the pigeons flew up and over the girls heads. They thought it was the coolest thing. I on the other hand just kept thinking about the potential poop targets our girls were making for them.

I was also convinced that Lily was going to run and jump into the water with the birds.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Beautiful Weekend!

A little lunch in the backyard
Nothing like an ice cold tall boy with lunch
Cool Lily-O

happy girl!

My Lilies!

Poor Ringo

Lily likes to torment poor Ringo
This is his princess dress
And now he is sleeping

Could he look any sadder?

Go to sleep sweet princess

And now someone has had enough playtime.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


To sum up our last six has been interesting, challenging, fun, sad - I don't know, you name an emotion and we have felt it. I am a mom of a three year old. If you would have asked me 4 days ago about Lily I would have ran screaming in the opposite direction. 3 days ago you would have heard nothing but praise about her. She is a roller coaster that keeps us guessing every minute. Everyone tries to "reassure" us that year 3 is much more challenging than year 2. I am not sure if I am suppose to be relieved that my kid is "normal" or am suppose to be bracing myself for the next 6 months. She is pretty fun though, we now have deep conversations about very important topics : The whereabouts of Mr and Mrs Potato heads bodies, Who is our favorite fairy and whether or not a wild thing could really eat you up. When she was eating her push up yesterday and i pushed up more Popsicle for her she said, "Thank you Popsicle lady."She sings every song that plays on my ipod (Carrie, she can sing a mean chorus to "build me up buttercup") her favorite song is "Elvira" by the Oak Ridge Boys (yes I bought this song on itunes - don't judge me). This song reminds me of visiting the island when I was a kid, going to the bar with my parents, Karl and Katy and cousins, having as many cans of 7up as we could drink, trying to play pool, and playing whatever we wanted on the juke box = happiness. Summer makes me miss the Island the most. I can't wait to be up there again.

2010 First Half :)

I have been a horrible blogger. So here is the last 6 or so months in a nutshell minus some pics from Vegas. And these are also from most recent to oldest.

We tried to keep our minds off the heat by being nudey (just Lily) and taking some much needed pics. I love this for some reason.
My Lilies are starting to bloom. One at a time, which I love. They are huge I can't believe how many are on each plant.

Before blooming. There is over 50 blooms on each plant. I guess I know how to grow Lilies!

She looks so innocent and TALL!

We attempted camping on Memorial Day weekend and got rained out. Spent our nights in a hotel and found this "kid friendly" winery for some tastings!

Lily loved the Koi pond

We have spent a few days at the children's museum and she loves the stage. I am glad she is getting use to it because I didn't give her a country singer name for nothing!

Got the cutest 1920s inspired swimsuit at Target. It does go up her butt though. She usually ends up pulling it off after about a half hour.

Daddy bought a new sprinkler to run through (this was back in May mind you, it was just brought out again yesterday)

We played in the rain - A LOT!

More rain!

And we started Preschool and Love it!