Thursday, July 24, 2008

Double Piggies!

Or Whoopsies, as my mom likes to call them.
They aren't the straightest but I couldn't find a decent part on her head. I am not the expert when it comes to hair. Lets just hope that she never expects me to french braid her hair because it ain't happening. I am also dreading the makeup requests.
She looks like such a big girl!
"Ready for school Mom!"
Even though there is a giant oatmeal/peach stain on her shirt. I wasn't about to pull her shirt over her head and mess up the lovely job I did on her hair.

Back view (Gina likes those)


Joe and Gina said...

oh my goodness, just when you think she can't get any cuter there you go putting her in pig tails! And I do like the back & side views, she is quite the hair model.

Marnae and Matt said...

I can't believe how tall and grown up she looks. Love the double pig tails!!!!

katy said...

Karen you do hair like I do, Jessica is always complaining that her pony tails are not straight.
I love your blog and the pictures, and the kids love seeing Little E.

Jocelyn said...

so funny. can't believe how much hair she has! i love piggies- they are perfect